I grew up in the country and was intrigued with trapping critters.  My grandfather was a huge influence in my life and living next door made it very convenient to hang out with him when my dad was working.

Since my grandfather had taught me how to assemble many of the traps, I asked if he could help me catch a raccoon?  He replied, “I’ve never made a trap for one, but a fella once told me how to do it.”  We gathered up an empty glass gallon jug of milk.  Back in those days milk was sold in glass gallon jugs with a plastic handle around the neck of the jug so that it could be carried.  Once we found one, he asked to cut off the plastic handle and tie a rope around the neck of the bottle.  The other end of the rope is tied to a stake in the ground.  We then filled the jug halfway with corn, (raw, kernels, not cooked).  The jug was then placed on its side on the ground.

Here’s the idea:  The raccoon would stick his paw in the jug to retrieve the corn however, would not release it as he pulled out.  Unfortunately, his paw was too big while holding on to the corn and would allow him to pull it out.  Consequently, the trapper had to be very quiet in his approach with a burlap sack to throw over the “coon” in order to capture it.

The “catch”: If the coon sensed any danger approaching he would knaw off his paw in order to escaped.


Just for a moment imagine how your life would be different if you “let go” of things from your past that continue to plague you today, rather than continuing to carry the “scars?”

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