
“I started exercising with Bob one week after I graduated from college and I was in the worst shape of my life. Needless to say, the first session was so grueling (even though we used no weights) that I told myself that I had to stick with the program no matter how painful future sessions might be–I could never let myself get so out of shape again. Surprisingly, I made progress much quicker than I expected. Now, five months later, I’ve lost a few inches, I’m stronger mentally and physically than I’ve ever been before and have more self-confidence. In fact, my endurance has shot up, my activity level has risen and I make (OK, I try to!) responsible decisions about what I eat. This has meant a change in lifestyle for me, but one that I feel is worth any sacrifices that come along with it–I am just ecstatic about my progress!”
A.D. Houston, Texas


“Bob Arriaga’s training and eating program saved me from a life of being fat and lazy, and I was for my twenties and thirties. He helped me change my diet, completely . . . forever. Through his incredible motivational and coaching skills, weights and cardiovascular training, he helped me lose over 25% of my body fat and go from a 34″ to a 30″ waist in just three months. My abs are etched, my chest is toned and my arms and legs have great cuts. I plan to use the TotalfitWorx web site while I am traveling or just to track my progress and check out other success stories. Give me six more months and he’ll have me looking like the Statue of David.” Way to go Bob !!!

“Bob has been a lifeline for me to lose weight and get in the best workout ever. His way of motivating me no matter how bad my day has gone and not matter how much I whine he is always there for me. Thank you Bob!!”

“I’ve never felt or looked better than I did while I was training with Bob. His dedication, encouragement, praise and overall positive attitude were what I needed to get the job done. The online personal training website is a tool that I will be adding to my arsenal because I know he will find the right way to prod me into maintaining my fitness routine even when I am traveling. Working out with Bob online will be almost as fun as in person. Who knows, it may even be better!”

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