Family Feud is an entertaining game show, but playing it in “real life” can snowball toward a toxic outcome.

You don’t need to venture too far from your front door, cell phone or computer to hear about relationship friction or get tangled in its sticky web. Relatives. Friends. Neighbors. Business associates. The roster is endless.

The common denominator in many troubled relationships is miscommunication. Personal perceptions and interpretations are oftentimes misperceptions and misinterpretations. Another common denominator: miscommunication leads to anger, resentment, hostility or even fear, which in turn leads to an almost certain negative outcome.

Option? Ask for clarification and get the facts. No, it’s not easy — or human nature — to stay cool in a hot situation. But it’s smart. Very smart.

By keeping your emotions at bay until you can get a clear grasp on the situation, you’ll be saving yourself heartache, turmoil and perhaps even a relationship or two as you work calmly toward a resolution.

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